Monday 30 April 2012

This is my finished double page spread
( Click to enlarge ) 

This is my finished contents page
( Click for full size )

Mothership Magazine - Cover

This is my finished front cover
( Click to Enlarge )

Friday 9 March 2012


This is a small moodboard I have made to show typical layouts and themes for my chosen genre (Gothic / indie). The examples show desaturated images, lending connotations to a bleak outlook on life, a classic stereotype* of 'Goths'. It also displays all of its performers as smartly dressed, and impeccably groomed; this also complies with a steretype that 'Indie' artists don't want to be displayed as rough or their music displayed as unorganised / discordant.

* - Although the stereotype may apply to some, not all want to be associated with it.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

NME Analysis

Looking at NME’s live review, it’s clear from the start whether or not the review will be positive or negative from the very first sentence. In the first two lines we see the Arctic Monkeys are described as “Striving to distance themselves from other people’s perceptions”; as a common and recurring band on NME, Arctic Monkeys can do little wrong, so it is to be expected.

Within the whole review there seems to be an overabundance of adjectives and adverbs, this can sometimes be overwhelming, I would imagine that this is used to make the artists seem more exciting, but It can be disorienting, e.g.:  “Older songs such as ‘Florescent Adolescent’ throb and shine with the power of rejuvenation and their pulsating reworkings”.