Tuesday 28 February 2012

NME Analysis

Looking at NME’s live review, it’s clear from the start whether or not the review will be positive or negative from the very first sentence. In the first two lines we see the Arctic Monkeys are described as “Striving to distance themselves from other people’s perceptions”; as a common and recurring band on NME, Arctic Monkeys can do little wrong, so it is to be expected.

Within the whole review there seems to be an overabundance of adjectives and adverbs, this can sometimes be overwhelming, I would imagine that this is used to make the artists seem more exciting, but It can be disorienting, e.g.:  “Older songs such as ‘Florescent Adolescent’ throb and shine with the power of rejuvenation and their pulsating reworkings”.

Friday 24 February 2012

This is the layout of my music magazine. i will stick to this when designing it, however i may make some layout changes if it does not all work well when executed.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

This Is my analysis of 'Q' Magazine, I have annotated it, pointing out 
the features it uses with true technical terms.

Friday 3 February 2012

Maiden Erlegh High School

Maiden Erlegh
High School

Whilst this newsletter hasn't got a lot wrong with it. however it does make some layout mistakes.

The main text is intimidating and bland. There is too much text in one large portion, this could be helped by using subtitles before paragraphs or simply condensing the text. however it does do some things well: it uses fonts well and its colour scheme is simple, sticking to 3 colours to keep itself simple and professional looking.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Moral Panic

Stanley Cohen first came up with the theory of Moral Panic : Identified when an object, person or event is identified as 'Harmful' to the general public. Cohen acknowledged that these accusations are often misconstrued  and ill informed - And are often used or generated to simply create fear in times of boredom.

A popular case was that of the video game Mass Effect; Fox news jumped on the opportunity to disparage it when they found out it contained sex when it was only rated a 15. They circulated lies such as in the game the player could "see full frontal nudity for up to 20 minutes at a time" and "Could have intercourse with any female character the player encounters" -- Fox news reporter